Saudi Sports

Brand strategy
Logo design
Secondary brand language
Bespoke typeface
Brand guidelines
2D animation
3D animation
Broadcast titles
Broadcast graphics
Web design

Upon request of the Ministry of Sport in Saudi Arabia, WORKS developed a new brand identity for Saudi Sports Company.

As the sole sports broadcaster in the Kingdom, SSC required a fresh, contemporary and versatile brand to appeal to the under-30 demographic, who represent 70% of the population.

Drawing upon the country’s history the brand was activated across a range of placements from corporate products to broadcast.

As the only local sports broadcaster in the Kingdom, SSC required a fresh, contemporary and versatile brand to appeal to the under-30 demographic, who represent 70% of the population.


As part of the broadcast package WORKS created a 10 second ident to reveal the SSC logo. This consisted of a range of 3D animations focused around the diamond that is a constant throughout the brand.

Within the broadcast graphics, WORKS looked at how the brand would be used across a range of sports TV graphics including but not limited to Football, F1 and American Football. This involved looking at scoreclocks, title sequences, full-frame line ups and more.


SSC also launched Sports Center, an all encompassing sports news programme covering all major sports and IPs broadcast on the network.

WORKS were tasked with designing the overall concept, identity, title sequence and broadcast graphics for a wide variety of coverage.